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The program's mission is to develop a core group, representative of the membership, for the purpose of supporting and promoting a sound business environment through successful retention of members and attraction of new members; active participation at Chamber of Commerce events; creation and implementation of ideas to ensure organization strength and facilitate growth; and establishment of a rapport among the Ambassadors that serves the Chamber by its example of integrity and goodwill among the entire membership.



Batavia Chamber of Commerce


Your Path to Success


BMO, Wilson Street


RMS Enterprises

Volunteer as a Batavia Chamber Ambassador

As a Chamber Ambassador, you are a front line representative for the Batavia Chamber of Commerce at public and Chamber sponsored events. You will assist in the promtion, volunteer support and development of various Chamber events. An Ambassador assists in member recruitment, engagement and retention through person contacts via phone and face to face converstaions. Being an Ambassador is a great way to become involved, aid the Chamber, and also create an opportunity for you and your business to be in front of multiple Chamber members, businesses and organizations. As an Ambassador, your dedication, time and efforts are appreciated and highly valued by the Board of Directors, Chamber Staff and Membership. You ARE the backbone of the Batavia Chamber of Commerce.

What are the benefits of being an Ambassador?

  • Increased name and face recognition
  • Increased networking opportunities
  • Opportunity to connect one-on-one with new and exisiting Chamber members
  • Increased referral opportunities through fellow Ambassadors and one-on-one contact with members
  • Potential media coverage from attendance at Chamber events
  • Gain an insider's perspective of the local business community
  • Opportunity to meet local business and community leaders
  • Chance to help the community and show community pride
  • Business logo featured in Chamber's Annual Community Guide
  • Business name and your headshot of Chamber's webpage