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Chamber Connectors

Chamber Connectors is not a traditional leads group. Our structure combines elements of networking and masterminding. Our purpose is to connect with like-minded business owners, develop relationships and support one another.

The group is industry exclusive and has a defined application process; interview with the group chair, at least one meeting visit and approval of application by current group membership.

Meeting Days / Times:  Chamber Connectors meets every 2nd & 4th Monday each month. Informal networking begins at 11:15am; meeting is from 11:30am - 12:30pm.

Meeting Location: BMO Bank, 155 W. Wilson St., Batavia

Members: To be considered for membership in Chamber Connectors, individual's company must be a member in good stading with the Batavia Chamber of Commerce.  Chamber Connectors is industry exlusive. Find a list of our current members below.

Dues: $50 annual fee

For Additional Information: Contact Shirley Mott, Membership and Communications Coordinator, or (630) 879-7134

Members of Chamber Connectors

Coaching: Michael Shoultz, Spirit Rising Coaching

Physical Therapist: Joe King, Physical Therapy Advantage PC

Travel: Nikki Spitzer, Travel A Latte

Commercial Real Estate: Jeff Cadwallader, SVN Landmark Commercial Real Estate

Publisher: Stacy Chambers, Batavia/Geneva/St. Charles Living Magazine

Retail Banking: Zachary Davis, BMO, Wilson Street

Life Coach: Tiza Pyle, Your Path to Success

Retail: Diane Dewell, Industrial Treasures

Wealth Management: Alexis Benson, Edward Jones, Williamsburg Ave.

Residential Real Estate: Carrie Sebold, Homes by Sebold

Design/Marketing/Digital Marketing: Dave Pederson, Pedersen Design

Senior Navigation Services: LaVon Lenaway, Dragonfly Senior Navigation Services