Join the TriCity Business Council!
The TriCity Business Council (TCBC) is a solid and committed referral group of business professionals who will support each other and their businesses. The goal of the group is to pass quality referrals, to support and grow each other's businesses and in turn, grow your own business.
Meeting Days / Time: Every Wednesday from 7:30 - 8:45am
Meeting Location: Nosh, 22 N. 3rd Street, Geneva
Members: To be considered for membership in the TCBC, individual's company must be a member in good standing with the Batavia Chamber of Commerce. TCBC is industry exclusive. Below is a list of our current members.
Dues & Attendance: $50 annual dues. Regular, weekly attendance is expected by all group members. Advanced notice must given to the group regarding absences.
For Additional Information: Contact Dr. Arun Mani, TCBC President at (630) 587-5824, A_Mani@hotmail.com or Margaret Perreault, President & CEO, Batavia Chamber of Commerce at (630) 879-7134, margaret@bataviachamber.org
Members of TriCity Business Council
Chiropractor: Arun Mani, Total Body Health Center
Legal - Litigation/Personal Injury: Donna Bucko, Swatek Bucko Law Group, LLC
Printer: Kyle Hempel, Apple Graphics
Insurance: Justin Smitherman, Smitherman & Associates
Accounting: Lucas VandeWoyestyne, Apex SPA's and Consultants
Legal - Family/Business: Roman Seckel, Drendel & Jansons Law Group
Insurance - Medical: Mike Deagle, BenAxis
Realtor: Laureen Lindstrom, Coldwell Banker, Ther Real Estate Group
Restoration: Dan Talaga, DMT Service, Inc.
Financial Advisor: Craig Morgan, Morgan Wealth Group - Benjamin F. Edwards
HVAC/Plumbing: Jay Levita, Even Flow Mechanical Services
Computer Consulting Services: Peter Heinicke, Precision Computer Methods, Inc.